
The current installed version of Python is Version 3.6.8. You can start by typing python3 in the command.


The current installed version of Mathemathica is Version 10. You can start by typing mathematica in the command prompt, either in the terminals or remotely. If you are connected remotely the GUI has a small delay, so I encourage you to work with mathematica in the lab. However, if you want to work remotely you can type math and work without the Notebook interface.


The current installed version of Matlab is version R2012a. You can start by typing matlab in the command prompt, either in the terminals or remotely.

Running batch jobs in Matlab

You should type:

matlab -nosplash -nodisplay < yourfile.m > output.txt &

This command will run the script yourfile.m and save the output in output.txt. The -nosplash -nodesktop options to the matlab command to run a minimal instance with no interactivity. The ampersand indicates it should run in the background, returning control of the prompt to you.

If you plan to log off from your terminal and login back later to retrieve the output you should attach the nohup command at the beginning.