@string{Econmtca = "Econometrica"} @string{ContProbSt = "Contributions to Prob. and Stat. in Honour of Gunar Blom"} @string{StPrLet = "Stat. and Prob. Letters"} @string{StatSci = "Stat. Science"} @string{SqtlAnly = "Sequential Analysis"} @string{AnlsStat = "Annals of Stat."} @string{AnlsMStat = "Annals of Math. Stat."} @string{JEL = "J. of Economic Lit."} @string{CandJSt = "Canadian J. of Stat."} @string{ScandJSt = "Scand. J. of Stat."} @string{StPrLet = "Stat and Prob Letters"} @string{CmpStDA = "Comp. Stat. and Data Anal."} @string{ET = "Econometric Theory"} @string{JASA = "J. of Am. Stat. Assoc."} @string{JMA = "J. Mult. Analysis."} @string{JEx = "J. Econometrics"} @string{AsymptStat5 = "Asymptotic Statistics: Proceedings of the 5th Prague Symposium"} @string{Biomtrka = "Biometrika"} @string{JRSS-B = "J. Royal Stat. Soc. (B)"} @string{ProbFields = "Prob. Theory and Related Fields"} @string{JNnparSt = "J. of Nonparametric Stat."} @article{PK.1997, author = {Portnoy, S. and R. Koenker}, title = {The Gaussian Hare and the Laplacian Tortoise: Computability of squared-error versus absolute-error estimators, with discusssion}, journal = StatSci, volume = 12, pages = {279--300}, Year = 1997 } @inproceedings{K.1997, author = {Koenker, R.}, title = {$\ell_1$ computation: an interior monologue}, booktitle = {$L_1$-Statistical Procedures and Related Topics}, series = {IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series}, editor = {Dodge, Y.}, Year = 1997 } @inproceedings{P.1997, author = {Portnoy, S.}, title = {On computation of regression quantiles}, booktitle = {$L_1$-Statistical Procedures and Related Topics}, series = {IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series}, editor = {Dodge, Y.}, Year = 1997 } @inproceedings{F.1997, author = {Fitzenberger, B.}, title = {Computational aspects of censorted quantile regression}, booktitle = {$L_1$-Statistical Procedures and Related Topics}, series = {IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series}, editor = {Dodge, Y.}, Year = 1997 } @unpublished{RH:97, Author = {Rousseeuw, P.J. and Hubert, M.}, Title = {Regression Depth}, Note = {preprint}, Year = 1996, } @unpublished{HP:97, Author = {He, X. and S. Portnoy}, Title = {Asymptotics of the Deepest Line}, Note = {preprint}, Year = 1997, } @article{jww:88, Journal = JASA, Volume = 83, Pages = {805--810}, Keywords = {Influence function; Robust regression}, Author = {de Jongh, P. J. and de Wet, T. and Welsh, A. H.}, Title = {Mallows-type Bounded-influence-regression Trimmed Means}, Year = 1988 } @inproceedings{G:1997, author = {Gutenbrunner, C.}, title = {Regression Rank Statistics}, booktitle = {$L_1$-Statistical Procedures and Related Topics}, series = {IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series}, editor = {Dodge, Y.}, Year = 1997 } @inproceedings{H:1997, author = {Huskova, M.}, title = {$L_1$ test procedures for detection of change}, booktitle = {$L_1$-Statistical Procedures and Related Topics}, series = {IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series}, editor = {Dodge, Y.}, Year = 1997 } @article{air:1996, author = {Angrist, J.D. and G.W. Imbens and D. B. Rubin}, title = {Identification of Casual Effects Using Instrumental Variables}, journal = JASA, Volume = 91, Pages = {444--472}, Year = 1996 } @inproceedings{Z:1997, author = {Zwanzig, S.}, title = {On $L_1$ norm estimators in nonlinear regression and in nonlinear errors in variables models}, booktitle = {$L_1$-Statistical Procedures and Related Topics}, series = {IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series}, editor = {Dodge, Y.}, Year = 1997 } @article{FG:1996, Author = {Fenton, V.M. and A.R. Gallant}, Title = { Qualitative and Asymptotic Performance of SNP Density Estimators}, Journal = JEx, Volume = {74}, Pages = {77 -118}, Year = 1996 } @unpublished{GT:1997, Author = {Gallant, A.R. and G. Tauchen}, Title = { The Relative Efficiency of Method of Moments Estimators}, Note = {preprint}, Year = 1997 } @article{marr:wand:1992, Journal = AnlsStat, Volume = 20, Pages = {712--736}, Keywords = {Kernel estimator; Mixture of distributions}, Author = {Marron, J. S. and Wand, M. 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C. 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