Aug 27: The first homework is due on Thursday, Sep. 4th. Aug 31: Upload your presentation file (a pdf file with 2~3 pages) in the designated directory. See our class website for details. It will help if you name your file appropriately. For example, 'hw1_your_name.pdf'. Please hand in your homework (a hard copy for each group) to your TA BEFORE class starts. Late submission or e-mail submission will not be accepted. Sep 2: Find the assignment for the PS-1 presentation. Each student is asked to make a presentation file for the assigned question. Sep 9: Tomorrow (Sep. 10th) there will be a lecture by professor during the TA session. Sep 9: Plan of the week Tue. (Sep 10): L3 Wed. (Sep 11): L4 Thr. (Sep 12): L4 & L5 Sep 9: PS-2 is due on Sep. 23rd. (Tuesday) Sep 16: TA will meet class on Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00pm. The TA session on Wednesday for this week has been cancelled. Sep 16: Plan for the week Tue. (Sep 16) : R implementation - dyn(), AIC(), and Bootstrap Thr. (Sep 18) : L5 - Understanding Bootstrap Sep 20: Assignment for the PS-2 presentation is posted in the webpage. Remember that you need to upload your presentation file before class begins on Tuesday. Sep 30: Problem set 3 is due on Oct. 21st (Tuesday). Midterm is on Oct. 23rd (Thursday). It covers everything upto Lecture 15. Sep 30: Problem set 4 is due on Nov. 18th (Tuesday). Nov 18: Problem set 5 is due on Dec. 9th (Tuesday).