Applied Econometrics
Econ371 - Fall 1998
Professor Roger Koenker

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Econometric Sources  
A large collection of links in econometrics and computing  
Econometrics at UIUC  
Lab at UIUC
Course Description:  

This course is intended to provide a working knowledge of basic methods and principles of econometric practice. It will cover a wide variety of economic models and statistical methods. The basic tools will be the multivariate linear regression model. But some attention will be devoted to discrete choice models as well as simultaneous equations models. Some theory will be developed in class, but the primary emphasis of the course will be on a sequence of specific problems involving the specification, estimation and interpretation of econometric models. There will be a sequence of empirically oriented problem sets.

1. For help on graphics using
 Splus on the Unix mainframe, see  the Routines section of this page.


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